Academic Staff

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | Z
Surname and namePositionScientific field
AIELLO Giovanni AntoninoAssociate ProfessorING-IND/31 - Electrical engineering
ANDÒ BrunoFull ProfessorING-INF/07 - Electric and electronic measurements
ANELI StefanoAssistant ProfessorING-IND/11 - Building physics and building energy systems
ARENA Paolo PietroFull ProfessorING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering
ASCIA GiuseppeAssociate ProfessorING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
AVANZATO RobertaAssistant ProfessorING-INF/03 - Telecommunications
BAGLIO SalvatoreFull ProfessorING-INF/07 - Electric and electronic measurements
BALLO AndreaAssistant ProfessorING-INF/01 - Electronics
BELLITTO GiovanniAssistant ProfessorING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
BERITELLI FrancescoAssociate ProfessorING-INF/03 - Telecommunications
BUCOLO Maide Angela RitaAssociate ProfessorING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering
BUSACCA Fabio AntonioAssistant ProfessorING-INF/03 - Telecommunications
BUSCARINO ArturoAssociate ProfessorING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering
CACCIATO MarioFull ProfessorING-IND/32 - Power electronic converters, electrical machines and drives
CALABRO' GiovanniAssistant ProfessorICAR/05 - Transportation
CALI' MicheleAssociate ProfessorING-IND/15 - Design methods for industrial engineering
CAPIZZI GiacomoAssociate ProfessorING-IND/31 - Electrical engineering
CARCHIOLO VincenzaFull ProfessorING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
CATANIA VincenzoFull ProfessorING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
CAVALIERI SalvatoreFull ProfessorING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
CHIACCHIO FerdinandoAssociate ProfessorING-IND/17 - Industrial mechanical plants
COCO SalvatoreFull ProfessorING-IND/31 - Electrical engineering
CONTI StefaniaAssociate ProfessorING-IND/33 - Electrical power systems
D'URSO DiegoAssociate ProfessorING-IND/17 - Industrial mechanical plants
DI DONATO LoretoAssociate ProfessorING-INF/02 - Electromagnetic fields
DI NATALE RaffaeleAssistant ProfessorING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
DI STEFANO AntonellaFull ProfessorING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
EVOLA GianpieroAssociate ProfessorING-IND/11 - Building physics and building energy systems
FAMOSO CarloAssistant ProfessorING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering
FICHERA Alberto Alfio NataleFull ProfessorING-IND/10 - Thermal engineering and industrial energy systems
FRASCA MattiaFull ProfessorING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering
GAGLIANO Antonio Associate ProfessorING-IND/11 - Building physics and building energy systems
GALLUCCIO LauraAssociate ProfessorING-INF/03 - Telecommunications
GAMBUZZA Lucia ValentinaAssociate ProfessorING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering
GIORDANO DanielaFull ProfessorING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
GIUSTOLISI GianlucaFull ProfessorING-INF/01 - Electronics
GRASSO Alfio DarioFull ProfessorING-INF/01 - Electronics
GRASSO ChristianAssistant ProfessorING-INF/03 - Telecommunications
GRASSO Giovanni Assistant ProfessorING-IND/14 - Mechanical design and machine construction
GRAZIANI SalvatoreFull ProfessorING-INF/07 - Electric and electronic measurements
GUASTELLA Dario CalogeroAssistant ProfessorING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering
GURRERI LuigiAssistant ProfessorING-IND/25 - Chemical plants
HANNAN Mohammad AbdulAssistant ProfessorING-INF/02 - Electromagnetic fields
INTURRI GiuseppeFull ProfessorICAR/05 - Transportation
Joseph Thatheyus Joannes Sam MertensAssistant ProfessorING-INF/03 - Telecommunications
LA CORTE AurelioAssociate ProfessorING-INF/03 - Telecommunications
LA DELFA Gaetano CarmeloAssistant ProfessorING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
LACAGNINA Michele Associate ProfessorING-IND/13 - Applied mechanics
LAUDANI AntonioFull ProfessorING-IND/31 - Electrical engineering
LEONARDI LucaAssistant ProfessorING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
LO BELLO LuciaFull ProfessorING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
LOMBARDO AlfioFull ProfessorING-INF/03 - Telecommunications
MALGERI Michele GiuseppeAssociate ProfessorING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
MANCINI Giuseppe Associate ProfessorING-IND/25 - Chemical plants
MANGIONI GiuseppeAssociate ProfessorING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
MIUCCIO LucianoAssistant ProfessorING-INF/03 - Telecommunications
MORABITO GiacomoFull ProfessorING-INF/03 - Telecommunications
Morana GiovanniAssistant ProfessorING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
MUSCATO Giovanni AntonioFull ProfessorING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering
NUNNARI GiuseppeFull ProfessorING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering
PAGANO ArturoAssociate ProfessorING-IND/10 - Thermal engineering and industrial energy systems
PALAZZO SergioFull ProfessorING-INF/03 - Telecommunications
PALAZZO SimoneAssistant ProfessorING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
PALESI MaurizioAssociate ProfessorING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
PALMISANO GiuseppeFull ProfessorING-INF/01 - Electronics
PALUMBO GaetanoFull ProfessorING-INF/01 - Electronics
PANNO Daniela Giovanna AnnaAssociate ProfessorING-INF/03 - Telecommunications
PATTI DavideAssociate ProfessorING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
PATTI GaetanoAssistant ProfessorING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
PAVONE Santi ConcettoAssistant ProfessorING-INF/02 - Electromagnetic fields
PENNISI SalvatoreFull ProfessorING-INF/01 - Electronics
PROIETTO SALANITRI FedericaAssistant ProfessorING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
RAFTOPOULOS RaoulAssistant ProfessorING-INF/03 - Telecommunications
RAGONESE EgidioAssociate ProfessorING-INF/01 - Electronics
RIOLO SalvatoreAssistant ProfessorING-INF/03 - Telecommunications
RIZZO Santi AgatinoAssociate ProfessorING-IND/31 - Electrical engineering
SALERNO NunzioAssociate ProfessorING-IND/31 - Electrical engineering
SANALITRO DarioAssistant ProfessorING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering
SCARCELLA GiuseppeFull ProfessorING-IND/32 - Power electronic converters, electrical machines and drives
SCELBA GiacomoAssociate ProfessorING-IND/32 - Power electronic converters, electrical machines and drives
SCHEMBRA GiovanniFull ProfessorING-INF/03 - Telecommunications
SCIMONE TommasoAssistant Professor
SEQUENZIA GaetanoAssociate ProfessorING-IND/15 - Design methods for industrial engineering
SIINO MarcoAssistant Professor
SIMONE MarcoAssistant ProfessorING-INF/02 - Electromagnetic fields
SORBELLO GinoAssociate ProfessorING-INF/02 - Electromagnetic fields
SPAMPINATO ConcettoFull ProfessorING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
SUTERA GiuseppeAssistant ProfessorING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering
TESTA AntonioFull ProfessorIIND-08/A - Electric converters, machines and drives
TINA Giuseppe MarcoFull ProfessorING-IND/33 - Electrical power systems
TOMARCHIO OrazioAssociate ProfessorING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
TORNELLO Luigi Danilo Assistant ProfessorING-IND/32 - Power electronic converters, electrical machines and drives
TORRISI VincenzaAssistant ProfessorICAR/05 - Transportation
TRAPANI NataliaAssociate ProfessorING-IND/17 - Industrial mechanical plants
TRIGONA CarloAssociate ProfessorING-INF/07 - Electric and electronic measurements
VENTURA CristinaAssistant Professor
VOLPE RosariaAssistant ProfessorING-IND/10 - Thermal engineering and industrial energy systems
Surname and nameScientific field
LO FARO Maria José
BARBERA RobertoFIS/01 - Experimental physics
BONACINI PaolaMAT/03 - Geometry
CANNELLA SalvatoreING-IND/35 - Business and management engineering
CARUSO Andrea OrazioMAT/05 - Mathematical analysis
CASTRO GIUSEPPEFIS/01 - Experimental physics
CHERUBINI SilvioFIS/01 - Experimental physics
CINQUEGRANI Maria GraziaMAT/03 - Geometry
CIRMI Giuseppa RitaMAT/05 - Mathematical analysis
CONSIGLIO GiuseppeCHIM/07 - Chemical foundations of technologies
Consoli ElioING-INF/01 - Electronics
CUOMO MassimoICAR/08 - Structural mechanics
DI MAURO CarmelaING-IND/35 - Business and management engineering
DI PASQUALE GiovannaCHIM/07 - Chemical foundations of technologies
FAILLA SalvatoreCHIM/07 - Chemical foundations of technologies
FALCI GiuseppeFIS/03 - Physics of matter
FALSAPERLA PaoloMAT/07 - Mathematical physics
FANCIULLO MariaMAT/05 - Mathematical analysis
FARACI FrancescaMAT/05 - Mathematical analysis
FINOCCHIARO Carmelo AntonioMAT/03 - Geometry
GAGLIANO SalvinaING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering
GIACOBBE AndreaMAT/07 - Mathematical physics
GIANNELLI LuigiFIS/03 - Physics of matter
GRASSIA MarcoING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
GRECO Leopoldo VincenzoICAR/08 - Structural mechanics
LA BARBIERA MonicaMAT/03 - Geometry
LAMIA LivioFIS/01 - Experimental physics
LANZAFAME RosarioING-IND/08 - Fluid machinery
LEONARDI SalvatoreMAT/05 - Mathematical analysis
LO MONACO LuigiFIS/04 - Nuclear and subnuclear physics
LONGHEU AlessandroING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
LONGOBARDI SalvatoreING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
MANICO' GiulioFIS/01 - Experimental physics
MASCALI FrancescoING-IND/35 - Business and management engineering
MAURO StefanoING-IND/09 - Energy systems and power generation
MESSINA MicheleING-IND/08 - Fluid machinery
MINEO AndreaING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
MIRABELLA SalvatoreFIS/01 - Experimental physics
MOSCONI Sunra Johannes NikolajMAT/05 - Mathematical analysis
MUSUMARRA AgatinoFIS/01 - Experimental physics
PALADINO Elisabetta
PALMISANO VincenzoMAT/05 - Mathematical analysis
PELLEGRINO FrancescoFIS/03 - Physics of matter
PENNISI MelitaING-INF/01 - Electronics
PINO Carmelo
PIRRONELLO ValerioFIS/01 - Experimental physics
PLUMARI SalvatoreFIS/01 - Experimental physics
PUGLISI GiuseppeFIS/05 - Astronomy and astrophysics
PUMO Maria Letizia PieraFIS/01 - Experimental physics
RIDOLFO AlessandroFIS/03 - Physics of matter
RUFFINO FrancescoFIS/01 - Experimental physics
SCORDINO AgataFIS/01 - Experimental physics
SERRANO SalvatoreING-INF/03 - Telecommunications
SINATRA RosarioING-IND/13 - Applied mechanics
SIRACUSA ValentinaCHIM/07 - Chemical foundations of technologies
SPADARO Santi Domenico
STAGLIANO' GiovanniMAT/03 - Geometry
STURIALE LuisaICAR/22 - Real estate appraisal
TROVATO Maria RosaICAR/22 - Real estate appraisal
TUDISCO SalvatoreFIS/01 - Experimental physics
ZAPPALA' GiuseppeMAT/03 - Geometry