Academic Staff
Surname and name | Position | Scientific field |
AIELLO Giovanni Antonino | Associate Professor | ING-IND/31 - Electrical engineering |
ANDÒ Bruno | Full Professor | ING-INF/07 - Electric and electronic measurements |
ANELI Stefano | Assistant Professor | ING-IND/11 - Building physics and building energy systems |
ARENA Paolo Pietro | Full Professor | ING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering |
ASCIA Giuseppe | Associate Professor | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems |
AVANZATO Roberta | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/03 - Telecommunications |
BAGLIO Salvatore | Full Professor | ING-INF/07 - Electric and electronic measurements |
BALLO Andrea | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/01 - Electronics |
BELLITTO Giovanni | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems |
BERITELLI Francesco | Associate Professor | ING-INF/03 - Telecommunications |
BUCOLO Maide Angela Rita | Associate Professor | ING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering |
BUSACCA Fabio Antonio | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/03 - Telecommunications |
BUSCARINO Arturo | Associate Professor | ING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering |
CACCIATO Mario | Full Professor | ING-IND/32 - Power electronic converters, electrical machines and drives |
CALABRO' Giovanni | Assistant Professor | ICAR/05 - Transportation |
CALI' Michele | Associate Professor | ING-IND/15 - Design methods for industrial engineering |
CAPIZZI Giacomo | Associate Professor | ING-IND/31 - Electrical engineering |
CARCHIOLO Vincenza | Full Professor | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems |
CATANIA Vincenzo | Full Professor | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems |
CAVALIERI Salvatore | Full Professor | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems |
CHIACCHIO Ferdinando | Associate Professor | ING-IND/17 - Industrial mechanical plants |
COCO Salvatore | Full Professor | ING-IND/31 - Electrical engineering |
CONTI Stefania | Associate Professor | ING-IND/33 - Electrical power systems |
D'URSO Diego | Associate Professor | ING-IND/17 - Industrial mechanical plants |
DI DONATO Loreto | Associate Professor | ING-INF/02 - Electromagnetic fields |
DI NATALE Raffaele | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems |
DI STEFANO Antonella | Full Professor | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems |
EVOLA Gianpiero | Associate Professor | ING-IND/11 - Building physics and building energy systems |
FAMOSO Carlo | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering |
FICHERA Alberto Alfio Natale | Full Professor | ING-IND/10 - Thermal engineering and industrial energy systems |
FRASCA Mattia | Full Professor | ING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering |
GAGLIANO Antonio | Associate Professor | ING-IND/11 - Building physics and building energy systems |
GALLUCCIO Laura | Associate Professor | ING-INF/03 - Telecommunications |
GAMBUZZA Lucia Valentina | Associate Professor | ING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering |
GIORDANO Daniela | Full Professor | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems |
GIUSTOLISI Gianluca | Full Professor | ING-INF/01 - Electronics |
GRASSO Alfio Dario | Full Professor | ING-INF/01 - Electronics |
GRASSO Christian | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/03 - Telecommunications |
GRASSO Giovanni | Assistant Professor | ING-IND/14 - Mechanical design and machine construction |
GRAZIANI Salvatore | Full Professor | ING-INF/07 - Electric and electronic measurements |
GUASTELLA Dario Calogero | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering |
GURRERI Luigi | Assistant Professor | ING-IND/25 - Chemical plants |
HANNAN Mohammad Abdul | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/02 - Electromagnetic fields |
INTURRI Giuseppe | Full Professor | ICAR/05 - Transportation |
Joseph Thatheyus Joannes Sam Mertens | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/03 - Telecommunications |
LA CORTE Aurelio | Associate Professor | ING-INF/03 - Telecommunications |
LA DELFA Gaetano Carmelo | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems |
LACAGNINA Michele | Associate Professor | ING-IND/13 - Applied mechanics |
LAUDANI Antonio | Full Professor | ING-IND/31 - Electrical engineering |
LEONARDI Luca | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems |
LO BELLO Lucia | Full Professor | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems |
LOMBARDO Alfio | Full Professor | ING-INF/03 - Telecommunications |
MALGERI Michele Giuseppe | Associate Professor | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems |
MANCINI Giuseppe | Associate Professor | ING-IND/25 - Chemical plants |
MANGIONI Giuseppe | Associate Professor | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems |
MIUCCIO Luciano | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/03 - Telecommunications |
MORABITO Giacomo | Full Professor | ING-INF/03 - Telecommunications |
Morana Giovanni | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems |
MUSCATO Giovanni Antonio | Full Professor | ING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering |
NUNNARI Giuseppe | Full Professor | ING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering |
PAGANO Arturo | Associate Professor | ING-IND/10 - Thermal engineering and industrial energy systems |
PALAZZO Sergio | Full Professor | ING-INF/03 - Telecommunications |
PALAZZO Simone | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems |
PALESI Maurizio | Associate Professor | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems |
PALMISANO Giuseppe | Full Professor | ING-INF/01 - Electronics |
PALUMBO Gaetano | Full Professor | ING-INF/01 - Electronics |
PANNO Daniela Giovanna Anna | Associate Professor | ING-INF/03 - Telecommunications |
PATTI Davide | Associate Professor | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems |
PATTI Gaetano | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems |
PAVONE Santi Concetto | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/02 - Electromagnetic fields |
PENNISI Salvatore | Full Professor | ING-INF/01 - Electronics |
PROIETTO SALANITRI Federica | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems |
RAFTOPOULOS Raoul | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/03 - Telecommunications |
RAGONESE Egidio | Associate Professor | ING-INF/01 - Electronics |
RIOLO Salvatore | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/03 - Telecommunications |
RIZZO Santi Agatino | Associate Professor | ING-IND/31 - Electrical engineering |
SALERNO Nunzio | Associate Professor | ING-IND/31 - Electrical engineering |
SANALITRO Dario | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering |
SCARCELLA Giuseppe | Full Professor | ING-IND/32 - Power electronic converters, electrical machines and drives |
SCELBA Giacomo | Associate Professor | ING-IND/32 - Power electronic converters, electrical machines and drives |
SCHEMBRA Giovanni | Full Professor | ING-INF/03 - Telecommunications |
SCIMONE Tommaso | Assistant Professor | |
SEQUENZIA Gaetano | Associate Professor | ING-IND/15 - Design methods for industrial engineering |
SIINO Marco | Assistant Professor | |
SIMONE Marco | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/02 - Electromagnetic fields |
SORBELLO Gino | Associate Professor | ING-INF/02 - Electromagnetic fields |
SPAMPINATO Concetto | Full Professor | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems |
SUTERA Giuseppe | Assistant Professor | ING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering |
TESTA Antonio | Full Professor | IIND-08/A - Electric converters, machines and drives |
TINA Giuseppe Marco | Full Professor | ING-IND/33 - Electrical power systems |
TOMARCHIO Orazio | Associate Professor | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems |
TORNELLO Luigi Danilo | Assistant Professor | ING-IND/32 - Power electronic converters, electrical machines and drives |
TORRISI Vincenza | Assistant Professor | ICAR/05 - Transportation |
TRAPANI Natalia | Associate Professor | ING-IND/17 - Industrial mechanical plants |
TRIGONA Carlo | Associate Professor | ING-INF/07 - Electric and electronic measurements |
VENTURA Cristina | Assistant Professor | |
VOLPE Rosaria | Assistant Professor | ING-IND/10 - Thermal engineering and industrial energy systems |
Surname and name | Scientific field | |
LO FARO Maria José | ||
BARBERA Roberto | FIS/01 - Experimental physics | |
BONACINI Paola | MAT/03 - Geometry | |
CANNELLA Salvatore | ING-IND/35 - Business and management engineering | |
CARUSO Andrea Orazio | MAT/05 - Mathematical analysis | |
CASTRO GIUSEPPE | FIS/01 - Experimental physics | |
CHERUBINI Silvio | FIS/01 - Experimental physics | |
CINQUEGRANI Maria Grazia | MAT/03 - Geometry | |
CIRMI Giuseppa Rita | MAT/05 - Mathematical analysis | |
CONSIGLIO Giuseppe | CHIM/07 - Chemical foundations of technologies | |
Consoli Elio | ING-INF/01 - Electronics | |
CUOMO Massimo | ICAR/08 - Structural mechanics | |
DI MAURO Carmela | ING-IND/35 - Business and management engineering | |
DI PASQUALE Giovanna | CHIM/07 - Chemical foundations of technologies | |
FAILLA Salvatore | CHIM/07 - Chemical foundations of technologies | |
FALCI Giuseppe | FIS/03 - Physics of matter | |
FALSAPERLA Paolo | MAT/07 - Mathematical physics | |
FANCIULLO Maria | MAT/05 - Mathematical analysis | |
FARACI Francesca | MAT/05 - Mathematical analysis | |
FINOCCHIARO Carmelo Antonio | MAT/03 - Geometry | |
GAGLIANO Salvina | ING-INF/04 - Systems and control engineering | |
GIACOBBE Andrea | MAT/07 - Mathematical physics | |
GIANNELLI Luigi | FIS/03 - Physics of matter | |
GRASSIA Marco | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems | |
GRECO Leopoldo Vincenzo | ICAR/08 - Structural mechanics | |
LA BARBIERA Monica | MAT/03 - Geometry | |
LAMIA Livio | FIS/01 - Experimental physics | |
LANZAFAME Rosario | ING-IND/08 - Fluid machinery | |
LEONARDI Salvatore | MAT/05 - Mathematical analysis | |
LO MONACO Luigi | FIS/04 - Nuclear and subnuclear physics | |
LONGHEU Alessandro | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems | |
LONGOBARDI Salvatore | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems | |
MANICO' Giulio | FIS/01 - Experimental physics | |
MASCALI Francesco | ING-IND/35 - Business and management engineering | |
MAURO Stefano | ING-IND/09 - Energy systems and power generation | |
MESSINA Michele | ING-IND/08 - Fluid machinery | |
MINEO Andrea | ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems | |
MIRABELLA Salvatore | FIS/01 - Experimental physics | |
MOSCONI Sunra Johannes Nikolaj | MAT/05 - Mathematical analysis | |
MUSUMARRA Agatino | FIS/01 - Experimental physics | |
PALADINO Elisabetta | ||
PALMISANO Vincenzo | MAT/05 - Mathematical analysis | |
PELLEGRINO Francesco | FIS/03 - Physics of matter | |
PENNISI Melita | ING-INF/01 - Electronics | |
PINO Carmelo | ||
PIRRONELLO Valerio | FIS/01 - Experimental physics | |
PLUMARI Salvatore | FIS/01 - Experimental physics | |
PUGLISI Daniele | ||
PUGLISI Giuseppe | FIS/05 - Astronomy and astrophysics | |
PUMO Maria Letizia Piera | FIS/01 - Experimental physics | |
RIDOLFO Alessandro | FIS/03 - Physics of matter | |
RUFFINO Francesco | FIS/01 - Experimental physics | |
SCAPELLATO Andrea | ||
SCORDINO Agata | FIS/01 - Experimental physics | |
SERRANO Salvatore | ING-INF/03 - Telecommunications | |
SINATRA Rosario | ING-IND/13 - Applied mechanics | |
SIRACUSA Valentina | CHIM/07 - Chemical foundations of technologies | |
SPADARO Santi Domenico | ||
STAGLIANO' Giovanni | MAT/03 - Geometry | |
STURIALE Luisa | ICAR/22 - Real estate appraisal | |
TROVATO Maria Rosa | ICAR/22 - Real estate appraisal | |
TUDISCO Salvatore | FIS/01 - Experimental physics | |
ZAMBONI Pietro | ||
ZAPPALA' Giuseppe | MAT/03 - Geometry |