Associate Professor of Systems and control engineering [ING-INF/04]

Arturo Buscarino graduated in 2004 and received his Ph.D. in 2008, at the University of Catania, Italy. He has been research associate and Technical Assistant at the University of Catania. Currently, he is Associate Professor at the University of Catania. He is IEEE Senior Member. He gained the national scientific qualification as Full Professor in 2020. In the framework of the First Executive Programme Of The Agreement Between Italy And Turkey On Scientific And Technical Cooperation 2006-2009, he has been visiting researcher at the Istanbul Technical University in 2009. He has been visiting researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2015.

He has been General chair of Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems NDES 2018, appointed by Micron Tech. Foundation of a sponsoring grant. He has been appointed NOC-Chair for the IFAC CHAOS 2021 Conference. He has been member of the Steering Committee of CompEng 2016, Program Chair for ECCTD2017. He has been organizer of a Workshop at MED 2012 and of several Special Sessions at IECON 2016, ECCTD 2017, ISCAS 2018, SMC 2019.

He has been invited speaker at the TU Berlin. He has been visiting professor at the Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi and at the University of Messina.

He has been involved in several Research Projects: FIRB 2001, Cost Action B27 ENOC, Bilateral project VIGONI Italy-Germany (2009-2010), bilateral project Italy-Turkey 2006-2009 and 2012-2014, EURATOM – ENEA – UNICT (2010-2014), EUROFUSION - ENEA – UNICT (2014-2018).

He is Associate Editor of the International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos and of the Journal of the Franklin Institute and member of the Editorial Board of the SpringerBriefs Series on Nonlinear Circuits.

He published three books on nonlinear circuits and systems dynamic, and more than 100 papers on refereed international journals and international conference proceedings, H-index 21. His scientific interests include nonlinear circuits and systems, chaos and synchronization, memristors, fuzzy logic, control systems, Cellular Nonlinear Networks, and plasma engineering.


Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016