Christian GRASSO
Christian Grasso (Member, IEEE) received the master’s degree (cum laude) in telecommunications engineering from the Department of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, University of Catania, Italy, in 2017. In February 2021 he got his PhD. in Systems, Energy, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering at the same university under the guidance of Prof. Giovanni Schembra with a thesis entitled "Network softwarization and smart services in 5G ecosystems". His research activity includes the study and application of resource orchestration in a 5G environment for creating and managing network slices, applying artificial intelligence, and paradigms of SDN, NFV, and MEC. He also works on tactile Internet and blockchain technologies. He was involved in the H2020 European Projects INPUT, Triangle, 5GINFIRE, and Flame as a Research Consultant and a Software Developer with CNIT or other companies
Inizio lezioni Teoria dei Segnali - Modulo Elementi di Probabilità e statistica A-L
Si comunica agli studenti del corso A-L del secondo anno che le lezioni di Elementi di Probabilità e Stiatistica avranno inizio mercoledì 9 Ottobre 2024 seguendo l'orario pubblicato sul sito di dipartimento.