Alfio Dario GRASSO

Professore associato di Elettronica [ING-INF/01]

Alfio Dario Grasso was born in Catania in 1978. He received the PhD degree and the Laurea degree (cum laude) from the University of Catania. Currently, he is Full Professor of Electronics at the University of Catania.

From November 2023 he is the President of the Master’s degree Course in Electronic Engineering.

He is involved in many research projects and collaborations with industries and academic centers.

Prof. Grasso is an Associate Editor at the IET Electronics Letters, at the Elsevier International Journal of Circuits Theory and Applications and is a member of the editorial board of MDPI Sensors.

His current research interests include low-voltage low-power analog circuit design and analog and mixed signal processing for energy harvesting applications.

Prof. Grasso has been the advisor and co-advisor of more than 100 dissertations and has co-authored more than 130 paper on international journals and conference proceedings. His h-index is equal to 25 (Scopus).


Anno accademico 2021/2022

Anno accademico 2020/2021

Anno accademico 2019/2020

Anno accademico 2018/2019

Anno accademico 2017/2018

Anno accademico 2016/2017

Anno accademico 2015/2016
Guida alle tesi di laurea

Final dissertation topics in the microelectronic lab

  1. Power management integrated circuits for PV cell powered battery-indifferent sensor nodes
  2. Integrated voltage equalizer for implanted biomedical devices powered by PV cells
  3. Cryogenic integrated circuits for the hardware interface of quantum computers
  4. Integrated circuits on flexible substrates

Final dissertation topics in cooperation with companies (see file below).