Registration for the Courses "Other Abilities" (3 CFU) A.Y. 2023/24

The registration for the courses offered for the A.Y. 2023/24 as “Other Abilities” (3 CFU, 30 hours, medium English) is now open. Students can select one of the following courses:

System Development with STMicroelectronics

  • ORGANIZED BY: STMicroelectronics (responsible dr. Maria Celvisia Virzi)
  • PERIOD: first semester (starting date 9 october 2023)

Development of a PLC and Motion Control automation project”

  • ORGANIZED BY: Hypertec Solutions (responsible eng. Giulio Fantini)
  • PERIOD: second semester

Technologies for Forecasting Volcanic Hazards

  • ORGANIZED BY: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (responsible dr. Ciro Del Negro)
  • PERIOD: second semester
More details on each course can be found in the attached files. Students can register up to the starting date of the course. Note that one course starts at the first semester, while the other two courses are scheduled for the second semester.
For the registration, the form at the following link should be filled, by selecting the course of interest:

Data di pubblicazione: 22/09/2023