Mathematical Physics A - L

Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: ANDREA GIACOBBE

Expected Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and understanding: the student will learn some basic concepts in complex analysis and mechanics; he will develop computational and algebraic manipulation abilities and mathematical formalization of problems.
Application of knowledge and understanding: the student will be able to apply techniques from integral calculus, solution of differential problems, investigation of mechanical systems. He will also be taught to apply qualitative physical intuition to guide the analytical quantitative investigation.
Judgment authonomy: the theoretical abilities will address the student towards the choice of the best techniques to approach a problem.
Communication abilities: the student will learn to use a proper language to communicate with clarity and porecision in a scientific context in general.
Learning abilities: the students, particularly those more willing, will be stimulated to deepen the investigation of some arguments.

Course Structure

Lectures on theoretical arguments and exercises will be given in class at the blackboard. Teaching may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

Detailed Course Content

Olomorphic and meromorphic functions; integration with the residued; Laplace transform; application to integration and differential equations; vector calculus; cinematic of the material point and the rigid body; geometry of masses; general principles of mechanics; conservative forces; reference frames and apparent forces; constrained systems; dynamics of articulated system with material points and rigid bodies; elements of analytical mechanics.

Textbook Information

1. Notes
2. G. Barozzi, Matematica per l'ingegneria dell'informazione, Zanichelli, Bologna (2004)
3. P. Biscari, T. Ruggeri, G. Saccomandi, M. Vianello, Meccanica razionale, Springer (2016)
4. A. Muracchini, T. Ruggeri, Esercizi di Meccanica Razionale, 

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Analisi complessa1,2
2Trasformate di Laplace1,2