Course Overview

The Master degree Course in Automation Engineering and Control of Complex Systems belongs to the LM-25 (Automation Engineering) Degree Class. 

It is a two-years course, organised into 4 semesters (120 University Credits) and is fully held in English language, to facilitate job placement. The course provides for a significant amount of practical and workshop experiences, to reinforce the acquired theoretical background practically on the field.

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The course seeks at increasing the knowledge on the control system modelisation and design methods, by mastering the technological processes, the advanced design techniques and the involved computer-aided tools. Course training objectives aim providing adaptable competences which can be easily suited to the multiple automation application fields, also considering technology advances and labour market changes..

The Master degree Course is finalised to prepare high level professionals able to pursue technological innovation within industries as well as in public/private  research laboratories. The course allows the access into both the information and the Industrial Sector on the section A of the "Albo degli Ingegneri", after passing the State examinations. 

An automation engineer will be able to find professional opportunities both in highly automated plants and in high tech product development companies, operating in cross-sector areas.

Find further details on the LinkedIn course page
LinkedIn Course Page

RAI Campus Italy episode on the Masters Degree Course (skip to minute 11:00)
RAI Campus Italy