Andrea BALLO

Ricercatore di Elettronica [ING-INF/01]

Andrea Ballo was born in Catania (Italy) in 1990. He received the laurea degree (with honors) from the University of Catania in 2016 discussing a thesis whose main topic was the design and hardware implementation of electronic circuits to monitor nano-material deposition by means of dielectrophoresis.

In the years 2016-2017 he joined Vibatech sas as a technical manager, mainly working on electrical and electronics installations to control: anthropomorphic robots for macro and micro handling, palletization and storage, cutters and multi-axis lathes, CNCs.

In 2019 he was a visiting Ph.D. student at the IC design lab of the University of Shizuoka, Japan, local advisor Prof. T. tanzawa, where he further perfected his knowledge about fully-integrated DC-DC converters, also known as Charge Pumps. Currently, he is continuing his research activity on " electronic systems for energy harvesting applications", advisor Prof. A. D. Grasso.

He received the Ph.D degree on February 2021 discussing the thesis "On-chip switched capacitor voltage generators for energy harvesting applications", advisor Prof. A. D. Grasso. In this work novel design frameworks for multi-stages low-voltage and low-power on-chip voltage generators was carried out and validated through the realization of several silicon prototypes.

In the academic years 2020-2021 he has been appointed contract Professor of Electronic Devices by the University of Catania.

He has been co-advisor of several dissertations regarding circuit theory and analog design, with emphasis on low-voltage techniques, low-power multistage charge pumps and, more recently, power converters for energy harvesting applications. In these fields, he is co-author of more than 20 publications on international journals and conference proceedings.

N.B. l'elevato numero di pubblicazioni può incidere sul tempo di caricamento della pagina

Anno accademico 2021/2022

Anno accademico 2020/2021
Risultati esame scritto di Dispositivi Elettronici del 27/09/2024

Studenti ammessi senza restrizione di voto

  • 1000045575 (29/30)
  • 1000046449 (26/30)
  • 1000045067 (25/30)
  • 1000044410 (24/30)
  • 1000045191 (21/30)
  • 1000032058 (21/30)

I colloqui orali si terranno nel giorno di giovedì 03/10/24 alle ore 16:00 nel laboratorio di microelettronica (Ed. 13, piano -1, ala sinistra).

Rinvio esame orale di Dispositivi Elettronici previsto per il 17/09/24

Cari studenti,

l'esame orale di Dispositivi Elettronici previsto per la giornata odierna è rinviato, per motivi di salute, a venerdì 20 ore 16:00 sempre presso l'ufficio del prof. Palumbo.

Vi auguriamo un proficuo studio. 

Risultati esame scritto di Dispositivi Elettronici del 11/09/2024

Studenti ammessi senza restrizione di voto

  • 1000044792 (27/30)
  • 1000053167 (22/30)
  • 1000001871 (21/30)

I colloqui orali si terranno nel giorno di martedì 17/09/24 alle ore 16:00 nell'ufficio del prof. Palumbo (Ed. Polifunzionale, 5° piano, ala destra).