Course Overview
The two-year Master’s Degree Course in Communications Engineering is aimed at training high-level professional figures, capable of pursuing technological innovation within industries as well as public and / or private research laboratories.
Telecommunications Engineering integrates the knowledge in the Electronic and Computer Engineering sector acquired in the first level degree programs with a specific knowledge and understanding of the system and technological aspects inherent to the design, integration, management, and optimization of the numerous components of a telecommunications system. To this end, the master’s degree Course in Communications Engineering aims to ensure to the students basic and applicative skills, necessary for the design, construction and operation of equipment, systems and services.
Specifically, students will acquire:
- knowledge of digital signal processing,
- propagation for the design of antennas,
- information transmission and transport techniques for the construction and planning of telecommunication systems and networks (from the Internet to communication systems wireless and optical),
- numerical processing for the processing of monomedial and multimedia digital signals,
- technologies for the development and management of advanced telematic applications and services.
This has led to the definition of a training course that is articulated by giving great importance to the disciplines of the characterizing field (Telecommunications and Electromagnetic Fields). In particular, given the presence on the territory of leading companies at national and international level operating in the wireless communications sector, the training project provides ample space for the acquisition of skills for the design of wireless and satellite systems and equipment and antennas. Furthermore, in consideration of the trends in the services market, great importance is given to the knowledge inherent in telematic and multimedia services.
The Master's Degree Course in Telecommunications Engineering also aims to consolidate the preparation in the technical-scientific aspects of the basic disciplines of Information Engineering. To guarantee a connection with the world of work, 3 CFUs of the type "Other knowledge useful for entering the world of work" are foreseen, which are usually entrusted to external teachers from the world of industry; in addition, at least one visit per year to local companies is organized. The thesis of 18 CFU when requested by the student is carried out in companies under the supervision of a university supervisor and a company supervisor.
Finally, the Degree Course for many courses provides a significant part of hours to be devoted to practical and laboratory experiences in order to allow the student to consolidate the theoretical knowledge acquired in the field.