Academic Year 2017/2018 - 2° YearCredit Value: 9
Scientific field: ING-INF/03 - Telecommunications
Taught classes: 56 hours
Laboratories: 25 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
Knowledge of technologies used in mobile networks, markedly different from those adopted in fixed networks due to the characteristics of the radio channel and management of user mobility. Ability to carry out the planning of a mobile network. Knowledge of current operating standards. Knowledge of the features of the mobile services already present in the market and next.
The student must acquire the ability to rationally communicate his knowledge on the subjects of the course topics, with specialized vocabulary in the field. Ability to read independently standards and scientific literature in order to keep abreast of rapid developments in mobile radio technologies and to investigate complex issues.
Detailed Course Content
The communication in mobile environment. Classification, motivation and requirements of mobile networks. Issues on wireless channel and mobility management. Hints on voice coding and channel coding.
Radio Access: Techniques for multiple access. Cellular coverage and frequency reuse.
Radio Planning: Optimization of coverage. Techniques for static and dynamic allocation of frequencies. Analysis of the radio capacity.
Performance Analysis: teletraffic models. Mobility patterns.
2nd generation mobile networks. GSM: Architecture and radio interface; physical and logical channels; management of the mobility, radio resources and security; the GSM services. GPRS radio interface, medium access control, protocol architecture. Hints on EDGE.
3rd generation mobile networks. UMTS radio interface and architecture; management of the mobility, radio resources and security; UMTS services and QoS classes.
4G and Beyond. LTE: main features and performance, network architecture, radio interface, services. Hints on 5G.
LTE test laboratory.
Textbook Information
1. H. Walke: “Mobile Radio Networks”, Wiley.
2. M. Schwartz, “Mobile Wireless Communications”, Cambridge University Press.
3. O. Bertazioli, L. Favalli, “GSM-GPRS”, 2° Edizione, Hoepli Informatica.
4. G. Columpsi, M. Leonardi, A. Ricci: “UMTS, tecniche ed architetture per le reti di comunicazioni mobili multimediali”, 2° Edizione, Hoepli Informatica.
5. C. Cox, “An introduction to LTE: LTE LTE-Advanced, SAE, VoLTE and 4G Mobile Communications”, 2° Edizione, Wiley.