3-CFU COurse: STMicroelectronics Leading to System Development A.Y. 2022-2023

The course offered for a.y. 2022/23 as “Other Ability” (3 CFU, 30 hours) entitled “STMicroelectronics Leading to System Development” is organized by STMicroelectronics. Responsible for the course dr. Maria Celvisia Virzi (maria-celvisia.virzi@st.com) and the Coordinator of the MSc course prof. S. Pennisi.

The lessons will start on October 19th, and they will be each Wednesday 15:00-19:00 in Aula Magna Oliveri (or alternatively Aula Magna della Didattica). More info and registration procedure will be given in the next days.

Prof. S. Pennisi 

Data di pubblicazione: 29/09/2022