“Other Ability” (3 CFU) Registration Opening

The registration is open for the course offered for a.y. 2021/22, first semester, as “Other Ability” (3 CFU, 30 hours, language English) in presence up to the room maximum capacity. The non-Eu students that for VISA delay cannot be in Catania can attend through Teams.

  • STMicroelectronics Leading to System Developmentorganized by STMicroelectronics, responsible for the course dr. Maria Celvisia Virzi (maria-celvisia.virzi@st.com). The lessons will be held on Thursday afternoon starting from 28th October, room T1.


For the registration access to the following link and fill the form (https://gaa.dieei.unict.it/index.php).
For further details, you can contact the course responsible by email.

Data di pubblicazione: 15/10/2021