Course Overview
The two-year degree program of the Laurea Magistrale in Electronic Engineering (Master of Science) is the natural continuation of the three-year BSc program in Electronic Engineering, but it is also accessible to students who hold a BSc in and Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. The degree program has the objective of forming through two curricula highly specialized professionals in analog, digital and power electronics from integrated circuits to Printed Circuit Boards, technologies that constitute the hardware foundation of any information processing system and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in general. In a competitive and rapidly evolving global market, the Electronic Engineering MSc curriculum will provide the student very good design skills aimed at developing traditional systems using proven technologies and, at the same time, the challenging ability of facing new problems in emerging scenarios.
- thorough knowledge of the theoretical and scientific aspects of mathematics and other basic sciences and be able to use this knowledge to explain and describe complex engineering problems or those requiring an interdisciplinary approach;
- thorough knowledge of the theoretical and scientific aspects of engineering, both in general and in relation to those aspects specific of electrical engineering, in which graduates are able to identify, formulate and solve, in an innovative way, complex problems that require an interdisciplinary approach;
- abilities to conceive, plan, design and manage systems, complex and / or innovative processes and services;
- abilities to design and manage highly complex experiments;
- skills in business organization (corporate culture) and professional ethics;
- context knowledge and transversal skills;
- fluent written and oral skills, at least in one European language other than Italian, with reference to disciplinary lexicons.
The main career opportunities are therefore in:
- Companies of electronic devices and microelectronic components;
- Companies of electronic systems;
- Electromechanical, electrical, spatial, aeronautical, automotive, naval, etc., companies, with sectors in which they develop equipments and electronic systems.