Academic Year 2020/2021 - 1° YearCredit Value: 9
Scientific field: ING-INF/03 - Telecommunications
Taught classes: 56 hours
Laboratories: 25 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
Knowledge and understanding the most important elements regarding digital communications
Capturing and understanding the basic elements to manage Discrete-time signals and systems numerically, also using in the Fourier and Z domains.
Improving capabilities to analyze and design digital filters.
Applying knowledge and understanding of the state-of-art technologies of digital communications systems, also targeted to the practical application in non-usual contexts
Skills development for analysis of digital signals through spectral analysis techniques and for design of a time-invariant linear system by means of its Fourier response.
The target is to allow the student to use this knowledge also for future systems, although different from the ones studied in this course.
Making judgements of the main topics of this course
Outgrowth of a sufficient level of making judgements in discovering the main peculiarities of time-invariant linear systems and of tools not only for the design of simple systems like the ones studied during the course, but also of more complex systems, like the ones needed to manage audio and video signals, which require further maturation of what studied during the course.
Communication skills finalized to heterogeneous interlocutors
Outgrowth of an effective and high-level communications skill for topics regarding generation of multimedia signals, and also their processing and playout.
Learning skills of the evolutions of the topics studied during the course, independently
Outgrowth of skills for autonomous training regarding scientific evolution of digital signal processing to deepen new techniques for filtering and managing new digital signals with reference to techniques applied in scenarios of the “Internet of Sound” (IoS).
Course Structure
The course is composed by a theory part of 56 hours, and a laboratory part of 25 hours.
In the case lectures will be partially or fully realized remotely by a video-communications platform, what declared above could undergo some changes, in order to achieve the objectives targeted in this syllabus.
Detailed Course Content
- Discrete-time signals and systems.
- Discrete-Fourier Analysis of periodic sequences (DFT).
- DCT and FFT transforms.
- Characterization of discrete-time systems.
- Interpolation and decimation of discrete-time sequences. Z-transform.
- System description by finite-difference equations.
- FIR filters and their design in Matlab.
- IIR filters and their design in Matlab.
- Processing of audio, still pictures and motion video signals: wav, mp3, jpeg and mpeg.
Textbook Information
- [Smi] The Scientist and Engineer’s Guide to Digital Signal Processing, Second Edition, Steven W. Smith, California Technical Publishing, San Diego, California. [Link]
- [Opp] A. V. Oppenheim, R. W. Schafer, Elaborazione numerica dei segnali, Angeli, Milano, 2003
- [Pro] J. G. Proakis, D. G. Manolakis, Digital signal processing.