Seminar on "Electrical Vehicle Infrastructure scenario and Electrical HW design of EV chargers"

Prof. Scelba kindly invites the students of Master's degree in Electrical Engineering for Sustainable Green Energy Transition to attend the Seminar scheduled on 10/01/ 2023 – 15:00 16:30 (aula magna Oliveri - Ed. 4) on “Electrical Vehicle Infrastructure scenario and Electrical HW design of EV chargers” – lecturer Dr. Filippo Chimento. (ABB)

Speaker Biography: 

Filippo Chimento is currently Global Technology Manager Platforms at ABB EVI located in Terranuova Bracciolini (Arezzo). He has covered several roles within the ABB Group organization starting as an associated scientist in 2008 in ABB Corporate Research center in Västerås (Sweden), then Principal Scientist in semiconductor technology. After moving to ABB Italy in 2015 and before covering the current role, he has served as Technology Project manager, R&D team Leader and a.i. Local R&D manager.  He received a MSc in Electrical Engineering and a PhD in Electronics and Automation Engineering respectively in 2003 and 2008 at the University of Catania. He is author of more than 50 papers published in international conferences and journals and, since 2016, he is a senior member of IEEE.

Data di pubblicazione: 17/12/2022

Vai alla scheda del prof. Giacomo SCELBA