Software Engineering

Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: Orazio TOMARCHIO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course covers the principles, methods and main tools of Software Engineering, a discipline dedicated to the study of methodologies, techniques and tools used in the development of large scale software systems. The learning objectives are as follows:

Knowledge and understanding

  • To understand the principles, methodologies and the main tools in the software development process, with particular focus on the requirements analysis and specification, the definition of system architecture, the design and testing.
  • To understand the most common design patterns and understanding their role in software design and development.
  • To understand the UML standard notation to model software systems.

Applying knowledge and understanding

  • To be able to design a large software system, planning the various activities of the software life cycle and producing documents in accordance with industry standards.
  • To be able to model different views of a software system using the standard UML notation.
  • To be able to recognize when and which design patterns to apply when designing a software system

Making judgements

  • Students will be able to evaluate the different design choices during the development of an IT system, identifying the most suitable solutions satisfying the requirements and the interests expressed by the stakeholders

Communication skills

  • Students will be able to interact and communicate within a software development team by using common notations and languages used to model a software system

Learning skills

  • Students will be able to learn and apply new software development models based on the fundamental phases analyzed during the course

Course Structure

The main teaching methods are as follows: 

  • Lectures, to provide theoretical and methodological knowledge of the subject;
  • Exercises, proposed and solved by the teacher, to provide “problem solving” skills, to apply design methodology, and to learn the usage of CASE tools.

Further, the teacher assigns homeworks to students' groups to be solved independently and to be discussed in the classroom.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Required Prerequisites

  • Fundamentals of programming
  • Object oriented programming

Detailed Course Content

  1.   Introduction to Software Engineering
    • Origins and motivations of Software Engineering. Basic definitions. Software life cycle. Software process model: waterfall, incremental, iterative/evolutionary, prototypal, spiral, unified process.
  2. Software requirements
    • Functional and non-functional requirements. Requirement analysis and specification. Requirements engineering processes. Documenting requirements. Requirements validation. 
  3. Software design
    • Software design methodologies: top-down, structural methods, functional and object oriented strategies. Design quality: cohesion, coupling, software metrics. Architectural design. Architectural patterns. Object oriented analysis and design. 
  4. UML software modeling 
    • Introduction to UML (Unified Modeling Language). UML and software life cycle. Requirements modeling with use cases. Class diagrams. Sequence and communication diagrams. State diagrams. Activity diagrams. Component and deployment diagrams. Case tools supporting UML.
  5. Design pattern 
    • The role of design patterns in the design and development of software systems. Creational, structural and behavioral patterns. 
  6. Verification and validation 
    • Quality controls of software products: verification and validation. Software testing. Black-box and white-box testing. Test cases. Equivalence partitioning. JUnit.
  7. Software development management 
    • Software configuration management. Configuration item, versioning, configurations, repository. Versioning tools (CVS, SVN, Git). Build, release and branch management.

Textbook Information

  • [LAR]
    • Craig Larman
      Applying UML And Patterns: An Introduction To Object-Oriented Analysis And Design And Iterative Development
      Addison Wesley 
  • [FOW]
    • M. Fowler
      UML Distilled
      Addison Wesley 
  • [GAM]
    • Gamma, E., Helm, R., Johnson, R. e Vlissides, J.
      Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
      Addison Wesley

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Introduzione all'Ingegneria del Software[SOM] Cap. 1
2Overview Analisi e Progettazione orientata agli oggetti[LAR] Cap. 1
3Ciclo di vita e Processi di sviluppo del Software[LAR] Cap. 2 e 3 - [FOW] Cap. 2
4La modellazione del software. Introduzione a UML[FOW] Cap. 1
5Generalità sulla fase di ideazione[LAR] Cap. 4 e 5
6Requisiti[LAR] Cap. 6 - [SOM] Cap. 6
7Casi d'uso[LAR] Cap. 7 - [FOW] Cap. 9
8Ulteriori Elaborati sui requisiti[LAR] Cap. 8
9La fase di elaborazione[LAR] Cap. 10-11
10Modelli di Dominio[LAR] Cap. 12 - [FOW] Cap. 3
11Diagrammi di sequenza di sistema[LAR] Cap. 13
12Contratti delle Operazioni[LAR] Cap. 14
13Verso la Progettazione. Cenni su Architetture Software[LAR] Cap. 15-16-17
14Diagrammi di Interazione in UML[LAR] Cap. 18 - [FOW] Cap. 4-12
15Diagrammi delle Classi in UML[LAR] Cap. 19 - [FOW] Cap. 3-5
16Pattern GRASP: progettazione di oggetti con responsabilità[LAR] Cap. 20
17Esempi di progettazione di oggetti con i pattern GRASP[LAR] Cap. 21
18Trasformare i progetti in codice[LAR] Cap. 22 - 23
19Dall'iterazione 1 all'iterazione 2[LAR] Cap. 26 - 27
20Ulteriori pattern GRASP[LAR] Cap. 28
21Raffinamento Modello di Dominio[LAR] Cap. 34 - [FOW] Cap. 5
22Diagrammi di attività in UML[LAR] Cap. 31 - [FOW] Cap. 11
23Diagrammi di macchina a stati in UML[LAR] Cap. 32 - [FOW] Cap. 10
24Introduzione ai Design Pattern GoF[GAM] Cap. 1
25Pattern creazionali[GAM] Cap. 3
26Pattern strutturali[GAM] Cap. 4
27Pattern comportamentali[GAM] Cap. 5
28Esempi sui pattern[LAR] Cap. 29
29Correlare i casi d'uso. Use Case Diagram in UML[LAR] Cap. 33 - [FOW] Cap. 9
30Diagrammi di deployment e dei componenti in UML [LAR] Cap. 41 - [FOW] Cap. 8-14
31Introduzione al testing del SoftwareDispense del docente - [SOM] Cap. 22
32Criteri di testingDispense del docente - [SOM] Cap. 23
33Automazione dei testDispense del docente
34JUnitDispense del docente
35Gestione della configurazione del software.
Sistemi di controllo delle versioni
Dispense del docente
36SVNDispense del docente
37GitDispense del docente
38Evoluzione dei sistemi distribuiti e tecnologie di middlewareDispense del docente