Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: Alessandro Ridolfo

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course will provide basic notions,  from quantum mechanics to elements of the theory of solids and quantum transport, necessary to the understanding of modern quantum technologies. Phenomena and principles at the basis of Quantum Technologies will be reviewed as well as applications.  The goal is to provide the student with skills and competencies complementing the the basic microelectronics curriculum, as: (a) familiarity with the emerging opportunities that nanoelectronics and quantum technologies offer; (b) ability of using quantum mechanics in different contexts of ICT and Nanotechnologies and judging the state of the art and relative progress in different technologies involving nanosystems; (c) acquiring a basis to come up with their own idea of new interesting project.

The present course addresses the multidisciplinary need of the diverse industrial sectors embracing nowadays nanotechnology, and the recent growth of interest in quantum technologies, which may offer new opportunities for employment and specialization to our graduates.

The student must have elements of the language, as a good knowledge of classical physics  and some grasp of introductory device physics.

Course Structure

The course is divided in three parts, namely (1) basic quantum mechanics and solid state physics, and (2) applications to quantum technologies.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Learning assessment may also be carried out online, should the conditions require it.

Required Prerequisites

The student is required to possess the elementary knowledge of physics, i.e. a good knowledge of classical physics, and an elementary knowledge of the physics of electronic devices.

The prerequisites include:

- Classical mechanics and thermodynamics 

- Classical electromagnetism

- Elements of algebra and mathematical analysis: vector spaces, integral transforms

- Elementary concepts of physics of electronic devices.

Attendance of Lessons

Not mandatory, but highly recommended.

Detailed Course Content

PART I: Quantum Mechanics

  1. Wave-particle duality: phenomenology [1,2]
  2. Wave mechanics [2,3]
  3. Some stationary problem [2,3]
  4. Quantum Mechanincs and illustrative applications [2,3]
  5. Approximation methods [2,3]
  6. Elements of statitical mechanics [2]
  7. Quantum circuits [4]

PART II: Quantum Technologies

  1. Quantum Computation [5]
  2. Quantum Comunication [5]

Textbook Information

[1] P. Mazzoldi, M. Nigro, C. Voci, Elementi di Fisica: Elettromagnetismo e Onde, Edises 2008.
[2] G. Falci. Appunti del corso di fisica dei nanosistemi. 2018.
[3] C. Cohen-Tannoudji, B. Diu, and F. Lalöe. Quantum Mechanics - vol 1, volume 1. Wiley-Interscience Publication, 1977.
[4] S. Girvin, Circuit QED: Superconducting Qubits Coupled to Microwave Photons, Oxford University Press.
[5] D. McMahon, Quantum Computing Explained, Wiley Interscience, 2007.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Dualismo onda-particella [1,2,3]
2Meccanica Quantistica e applicazioni illustrative[2,3]
3Circuiti quantistici[4]
4Tecnologie Quantistiche[5]

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

- The exam consists of a written test and a possible oral test. The final mark will be given by an overall evaluation of the two tests.

- Two ongoing tests are scheduled during the course.

- It is possible, at the request of the student and with the consensus of the teacher, to replace the oral with a numerical work. The exam will include a brief presentation of the theme, which determines the passing of the test, and the presentation of the paper, which determines the grade.

- Verification of learning can also be carried out electronically, should the conditions require it.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

A collection of exam exercises is available in the course teaching material.

During the oral test, questions on the written test will be formulated, and questions which starting from the exposition of the topic, can range over the entire program.

The replacement paper for the oral exam consists of a calculation, generally to be carried out with the aid of dedicated software, on a topic relating to the course. Some examples are the following:

- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors for one-dimensional scalar potentials.

- Motion of one-dimensional wave packets in given potentials.

- Dynamic evolution of interacting quantum systems.

- Determination of tunneling currents by the transfer matrix method.

- Quantum logic gates.