Full Professor of Telecommunications [ING-INF/03]

Alfio Lombardo received his degree in electrical engineering from the University of Catania, Italy, in 1983. Until 1987, he acted as consultant at CREI, the center of the Politecnico di Milano for research on computer networks, where he was involved as technical leader in several  europen projects. In 1988 he joined the University of Catania where he is full professor of Internet (SSD.: ING-INF/03). From 1996 t he has been the leader of the University of Catania team in the European/Italian  projects. In 2005 he founded a company as a research spin off of the Informatics and Telecommunication Department in the University of Catania; he was the scientific coordinator of the OpenLab laboratory.  He was the Catania team leader of the CNIT (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni) research. His research interests include distributed applications, network modeling and analysis, multimedia, green networking, microfluidic networks. He is author of more than 150 papers on these subjects.


Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

Alfio Lombardo published over 150 publications in international journals and conferences in various ICT sectors including: Control and management techniques in integrated broadband networks, Architectures and protocols for radio networks, Traffic models  for multimedia systems design, Service Engineering, new generation Internet, energy issues related to ICT, Microfluidic Networks.

Alfio Lombardo has coordinated/participated the following research projects at international, national and regional level


International research projects

  • SEDOS (Software Environment for the Design of distributed Open Systems).
  • CTS-WAN/FTAM (Conformance Testing Service - Wide Area  Network/File Transfer Access and Management).
  • COST 11 TER - FDT/ABM (Formal  Description Techniques/Architectural and Behavioural  Models).
  • AC036 DOLMEN “Service Machine Development for an Open Long-term Mobile and Fixed Network Environment“  nell’ ambito del  IV Programma Quadro.
  • Virtual Home Environment for Service Personalizzation and Roaming Users (VESPER - V  Programma Quadro).
  • Network of Excellence: Toward Real Energy-Efficient Network Design (TREND - VII programma Quadro)
  • low Energy COnsumption NETworks (ECONET - VII programma Quadro)
  • nIn-Network Programmability for next-generation personal cloUd service supporT (INPUT – H2020)


National research projects

  • Esperimento Universitario di Router Open  (EURO - MIUR PRIN).
  • Fluid Analytical Models of Autonomic Systems (FAMOUS - MIUR PRIN)

Traffic models  and Algorithms for Next Generation IP networks Optimization (TANGO - MIUR - FIRB)

Regionall research projects

  • Programma ICT per l’eccellenza nel settore High Tech  (ICT-E1) nell’ambito dell’ ”Accordo di Programma Quadro in materia di società dell’informazione nella regione Sicilia.
  • Open Lab: Laboratory for Open Source technology University of Catania
  • Integrated Network of Technological Laboratories in the Sicilian Universities– RILTUS