Anno accademico 2024/2025 - Docente: GINO SORBELLORisultati di apprendimento attesi
Knowledge and understanding: Understanding and ability to use various tools for the analysis, design and experimental characterization of waveguides, antennas and microwave devices.
Applying knowledge and understanding: Ability to analyze microwave components and circuits making connection between different problems.
Making judgments: Deductive skills and critical reasoning. Ability to identify and compare the most appropriate methods for studying real problems.
Communication skills: Ability to expose both orally and through written reports with appropriate language and methodological rigor.
Learning skills: Ability to study new problems in a self-direct and autonomous way.
Modalità di svolgimento dell'insegnamento
Prerequisiti richiesti
Frequenza lezioni
Contenuti del corso
Complements of propagation and transmission media: (3 CFU – 21 h)
Guided propagation: rectangular and circular metallic waveguides. Losses in waveguides. Resonant cavities. Microstrip line. Dielectric slab waveguide. Optical fibers.
Anisotropic media: (2 CFU – 14 h)
Reciprocal media. Magnetized plasma. Propagation in magnetized plasma*. Faraday rotation.
Microwave antennas: (2 CFU – 14 h)
Equivalent sources. Aperture antennas: horn antennas, paraboloidal reflectors, slot antennas. Microstrip antennas*. Uda-Yagi antenna.
Topics lectures in collaboration with companies, universities and research canters (1 CFU – 7 h):
Laser sources. Periodic structures,photonic crystals and metasurfaces*. Antennas and MIMO systems for 5G*.
Laboratory (1 CFU – 25 h):
Microwave circuits. Impedance matrix Z and scattering matrix S. Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). 1-port and 2-port calibration. 1-port, 2-port, 3-port and 4-port microwave devices. Experimental characterisation of microwave components and circuits and/or design of components and microwaves antennas with electromagnetic CAD*. Antenna Test Range: measurements and/or techniques for gain and radiation pattern measurement in an anechoic chamber*.
DEGREE THESIS: The topics marked with an asterisk (*) may be the subject of further study in the context of the degree thesis.
Testi di riferimento
[1] R. Sorrentino e G. Bianchi, "Microwave and RF Engineering", John Wiley & Sons 2010
[2] R. E. Collin, "Foundations for Microwave Engineering" (IEEE Press)
[3] C. G. Someda, "Electromagnetic Waves", CRC Press.
[4] S. J. Orfanidis, "Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas" (http://www.ece.rutgers.edu/~orfanidi/ewa/)
[5] F. T. Ulaby, U. Ravaioli "Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics" (7th Edition), Pearson Education
Programmazione del corso
Argomenti | Riferimenti testi | |
1 | TE, TM and TEM fields. | 1 |
2 | Rectangular waveguide | 1 |
3 | Circular cross section waveguide | 1 |
4 | Microstip line | 4 |
5 | Loss attenuation and power handling in real waveguides | 1 |
Verifica dell'apprendimento
Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento
Prova orale.
A garanzia di pari opportunità e nel rispetto delle leggi vigenti, gli studenti interessati possono chiedere un colloquio personale in modo da programmare eventuali misure compensative e/o dispensative, in base agli obiettivi didattici ed alle specifiche esigenze. È possibile rivolgersi anche al docente referente CInAP (Centro per l’integrazione Attiva e Partecipata - Servizi per le Disabilità e/o i DSA) del proprio Dipartimento.