Internet architecture A - L
Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: GIUSEPPE MANGIONIExpected Learning Outcomes
This unit introduces to the knowledge of the protocols of the Internet. The student will understand how the Internet works and, in particular:
Knowledge and understanding abilities
- she/he knows the protocols used by the most common services, such as WWW, DNS and e-mail;
- she/he learns the mechanisms that drive the operation of the TCP and UDP protocols;
- she/he understands the structure of the IP protocol and the way addressing and sub-networking works;
- she/he understands the Internet routing;
- she/he knows the main technologies for wired and wireless networks (layer 2)
Applying knowledge and understanding abilities
- she/he is able to identify the components necessary for designing a computer network.
Course Structure
Lessons ex-catedra and discussion of the main topics.
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce change with respects to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
Detailed Course Content
Computer Networks and the Internet: What Is the Internet?, The Network Edge, (*)The Network Core, (*)Packet Switching, (*)Delay, Loss, and Throughput in Packet-Switched Networks, (*)Protocol Layers and Their Service Models, History of Computer Networking and the Internet
Application Layer: (*)Principles of Network Applications, (*)The Web and HTTP 98, File Transfer: FTP (*)Electronic Mail in the Internet, (*)DNS—The Internet’s Directory Service
Transport Layer: Introduction and Transport-Layer Services, (*) Multiplexing and Demultiplexing, (*)Connectionless Transport: UDP, (*)Principles of Reliable Data Transfer , (*) Connection-Oriented Transport: TCP, (*)Reliable Data Transfer, (*)Flow Control (*)Principles of Congestion Control
The Network Layer: Introduction, Virtual Circuit and Datagram Networks, (*)What’s Inside a Router, (*)The Internet Protocol (IP) (*)IPv4, IPv6, (*)Routing Algorithms, Routing in the Internet
The Link Layer: Introduction to the Link Layer, Error-Detection and -Correction Techniques, (*)Multiple Access Links and Protocols, (*)Ethernet 469 5.4.3 Link-Layer Switches
Wireless and Mobile Networks Introduction, (*)Wireless Links and Network Characteristics, (*)The 802.11 MAC Protocol, Overview of Cellular Network Architecture, Personal Area Networks: Bluetooth
Textbook Information
Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, James F. Kurose Keith W. Ross
Course Planning
Subjects | Text References | |
1 | Internet e le reti di calcolatori: Che cos'e' Internet. Ai confini della rete. Il nucleo della rete. Ritardi, perdite e throughput nelle reti a commutazione di pacchetto. Livelli di protocollo e loro modelli di servizio. Storia delle reti e di Internet. | [T1]: Capitolo 1 |
2 | Livello di applicazione: I principi delle applicazioni di rete. | [T1]: Capitolo 2 |
3 | Livello di applicazione: Web e HTTP. DNS: il servizio di directory di Internet. | [T1]: Capitolo 2 |
4 | Livello di applicazione: Trasferimento di file: FTP. Posta elettronica in Internet. | [T1]: Capitolo 2 |
5 | Livello di trasporto: Introduzione e servizi a livello di trasporto. Multiplexing e demultiplexing. Trasporto senza connessione: UDP . Principi del trasferimento dati affidabile. | [T1]: Capitolo 3 |
6 | Livello di trasporto: Trasporto orientato alla connessione: TCP. Trasferimento dati affidabile. Controllo di flusso. Controllo di congestione TCP. | [T1]: Capitolo 3 |
7 | Livello di rete: Introduzione. Reti a circuito virtuale e a datagramma. I router. | [T1]: Capitolo 4 |
8 | Livello di rete: Protocollo Internet (IP). IPv4. | [T1]: Capitolo 4 |
9 | Livello di rete: IPv6. Algoritmi d'instradamento. Instradamento in Internet. | [T1]: Capitolo 5 |
10 | Livello di collegamento e reti locali: Introduzione e servizi. Tecniche di rilevazione e correzione degli errori. Protocolli di accesso multiplo. | T1]: Capitolo 6 |
11 | Livello di collegamento e reti locali: Reti locali. Tecnologie Ethernet. Switch a livello di collegamento | T1]: Capitolo 6 |
12 | Reti wireless: Introduzione. Collegamenti wireless e caratteristiche di rete. | [T1]: Capitolo 7 |
13 | Reti wireless: Wi-Fi 802.11 wireless LAN. Personal Area Networks: Bluetooth. | [T1]: Capitolo 7 |