Corso altre abilità (3 CFU) "System Development with STMicroelectronics" A.A. 2023/2024

System Development with STMicroelectronics  A.A. 2023/2024

The registration for the course offered for a.y. 2023/2024 as “Other Ability” (3 CFU, 30 hours, medium english) entitled “System Development with STMicroelectronics” is now opened.

  • ORGANIZED BY: STMicroelectronics (responsible dr. Maria Celvisia Virzi)
  • PERIOD: first semester (starting date 9 october 2023)

More details can be found in the attached file. Students can register up to the starting date of the course. 

For the registration, the form at the following link should be filled


Data di pubblicazione: 02/10/2023