International Mobility

Main Focuses
  • To increase the employability of our students, preparing, to international comparison, during the academic carrier via international mobility.
  • To attract students, professors and researchers from other countries.
  • To build networks: research and didactic.
The Electric, Electronics and Computer Engineering Department (DIEEI) intends to increase its international cooperation with the goal to improve both the quality of the didactic and the research.
In particular, the following actions are encouraged:
  • To increase Erasmus bilateral agreements for “studies” and “tranship”
  • To strength international cooperation and mobility programs for students, staff and administrative.
  • To support students, staff and administrative to submit international cooperation projects.

It is strong the urge of the Erasmus+ program towards the internationalization of higher education institutions with an exceptional investment in the individual learning mobility. Students can experience study and internship abroad, extending this last activity also to the new graduate.

The students of of the 1° level (bachelor, laurea), 2° level (master degree, laurea magistrale) and 3° level (Ph.D., dottorato di ricerca)  can compare with international universities and working realities, following courses and supporting exams in another University and practicing an internship in a company abroad. The two experiences can be alternated or combined for the total duration of 12 months.

Study Mobility
The student can apply for a mobility study abroad program, from 3 to 12 months, starting from the second year of studies.  The entire mobility can include a training period, if planned, and previous experience of mobility in the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP)), in an Institute of Higher Education in one of the countries participating in the ERASMUS+ program.

The student can:
  • follow teaching and acquire credits;
  • carry out a research aimed at drafting of the thesis;
  • follow training activities as part of a doctorate or specialization;

Traineeship mobility
The student can make a mobility traineeship abroad, from 2 to 12 months, at a company or other organization, in one of the countries participating in the program, starting from the first year of studies. It is possible also for new graduates to have a traineeship. They have to apply before graduating; from the moment of obtaining the degree, there are 12 months to carry out the traineeship mobility.

Departmental contacts
Prof. Riccardo Caponetto
Phone: +39 095 7382336

Sig.ra Pinella Borgia
Piano 3 - Edificio 3 (Polifunzionale)
Phone: +39 095 7382006
Fax: +39 095 7382048

When students can be received
  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday 09.30 - 12.30
  • Tuesday, Thursday 09.30 - 12.30;  15,30 - 17,00.