Giuseppe Marco TINA

Professore ordinario di Sistemi elettrici per l'energia [ING-IND/33]

laurea (1988), dottorato (1992) in ing. elettrica  all’università degli studi di Catania (UdC). Professore ordinario di sistemi elettrici per l’energia (SEE), dal 2000 presso il Dipartimento DIEEI dell’UdC. Esperienze industriali presso Agip Petroli ed ST Microelectronics (1993-1996). Numerose collaborazione con università europee (Spagna, Grecia, Croazia, Serbia, Romania, Francia) e del bacino del mediterraneo (Tunisia, Marocco, Algeria). Diploma di eccellenza nell’insegnamento e nella ricerca nei sistemi di potenza dall’ University “Stefan cel Mare”, Suceava (RO) (2012).

Autore di oltre 230 lavori scientifici sulla modellazione e l’impatto tecnico ed economico delle fonti rinnovabili (eolico e fotovoltaico) sulle reti elettriche. Autore del libro "Submerged and Floating Photovoltaic Systems: Modelling, Design and Case Studies", Academic Press, 2017. Responsabile del gruppo di ricerca e del laboratorio di  SEE all’ UdC (from 2010). Membro del IEEE (dal 1997) e della society Power and Energy Society (dal 2004). Vice-presidente della sezione di Catania AEIT (2010-2015). Relatore di oltre 90 tesi nella laurea magistrale di  Electrical Engineering, relatore di 10 studenti di dottorato italiani  e co-relatore di 3 studenti internazionali.


L'elenco delle pubblicazioni è consultabile presso i seguenti siti:


1) Publons

2) iris

3) researchgate

4) google scholar






Anno accademico 2021/2022

Anno accademico 2020/2021

Anno accademico 2019/2020

Anno accademico 2018/2019

Anno accademico 2017/2018

Anno accademico 2016/2017

Anno accademico 2015/2016
Guida alle tesi di laurea

Master's thesis proposals: 

1) Management and optimization of Distributed Energy Resources

The proliferation of distributed generation (GD) in MV and LV networks causes changes in power flows. The importance of power supply flexibility is steadily increasing. In order to utilize the full value of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), it is crucial to use advanced technologies and tools for management and optimization of DERs.

In this context, the aim of this activity is to develop DERs optimization and aggregation algorithms able to manage both technical and economic aspects of the aggregated resources, which consists of residential customers with hybrid and/or retrofit storage systems.

The activity  will be developed in collaboration with Enel X Inn & Prod Lab.

Supervisor: Prof. Eng. Tina Giuseppe Marco

Co-supervisor: Eng. Ventura Cristina

Validity of the thesis proposal  : start April 2023 end November 2023  

scholarship: yes (amount: 3000 euro duration: three months )


2) Management and optimization of Energy Communities

European and national policy choices aim to achieve near-complete decarbonization of the country by 2050 by implementing strategies to enhance the socioeconomic and environmental benefits of the energy transition. To this aim, it will be necessary to support the national system change process of increasing the use of energy electricity as an enabling factor for the realization of a smart, flexible, resilient, secure system capable of maximize the use of renewable energy sources, as well as promote the development of Energy Communities (ECs). In this context, the goal of the proposed activity is to develop optimization algorithms able to optimize different EC configurations.

The activity will be developed in collaboration with Enel X Inn & Prod Lab.

Supervisor: Prof. Eng. Tina Giuseppe Marco

Co-supervisor: Eng. Ventura Cristina

Validity of the thesis proposal  : start November 2023 end April 2024 

scholarship: yes (amount: 3000 euro duration: three months )