Anno accademico 2018/2019 - 2° anno
Docenti: Giuseppe Marco TINA e Mario CACCIATO
Crediti: 9
SSD: ING-IND/33 - Sistemi elettrici per l'energia
Organizzazione didattica: 225 ore d'impegno totale, 146 di studio individuale, 49 di lezione frontale, 30 di esercitazione

Obiettivi formativi

With the continuous significant increase of energy demand and environment issues renewable energy systems have become a critical research topic worldwide.

In this context, this course aims to provide students the key understandings, concepts, and principles of electrical power systems with the integration of renewable energy components. Specifically, the topics covered in this course will be renewable energy systems such as: wind system, solar power systems, tidal and waves sytems, distributed generation, storage technologies and others. This course will also introduce the latest research development on smart grid technology, such as the participation of distributed generation (DG) to ancillary service provision for the transmissione system operator (TSO).

The objective of the course is also to show how converter topologies are utilised in renewable energy systems (wind and PV), in utility applications (for example HVDC) and to further investigate the converters in terms of their efficiency, control characteristics, description of dynamics and their closed- loop control. Some advanced converter topologies, especially in the context of large and complex applications, which are beyond the scope of a first course in power electronics, are also treated.

At the end of the course, the student will be able to analize the renewable energy potential of a given place and sizing the relative generators. Further he can recognize the most common conversion chain and to operate as a system designer.

The acquired information will allow students to collaborate with experts in the project of renewable energy power plants.

Modalità di svolgimento dell'insegnamento

Lezioni frontali su argomenti di teoria svolte tramite videoproiettore. Esercitazioni svolte in aula tramite videproiettore con l'utilizzo di software di simulazione numerica. Svolgimento collettivo di esercizi numerici.

Prerequisiti richiesti

The students should have the following background:

- trigonometry, basic calculus, complex numbers, and phasor concepts

- the basic concepts of electricity and magnetism to understand electric circuits,

- a working knowledge of ac three-phase electrical circuits,

- fundamental electric power engineering concepts such as power factor and transmission lines.

- power electronics basics

- steady-state characteristics of various AC-DC, DC-DC, and DC-AC converter circuits

Frequenza lezioni

The lectures/tutorials/seminars are not compulsory, However students are greatly encouraged to attend class meetings because it is assumed that the lectures, demonstrations, and discussion will facilitate their learning.

Contenuti del corso

  1. Distributed Generation: microturbine, stirling engine
  2. The Solar Resource
  3. Photovoltaic Materials, Electrical Characteristics and systems
  4. Monitoring of PV, solar thermal (ST) and PV/T systems
  5. Concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies
  6. Wind resource
  7. Wind Power Systems
  8. Marine power system technologies
  9. Renewable non programmable indices to evaluate impact on power systems
  10. Distribution generation and ancillary services (e.g.Smart grids)
  11. Economics of renewables
  12. Fuel cell
  13. Hydrogen
  14. Electrochemica storage
  15. Techniqhes for PWM modulation
  16. Trend of Photovoltaic Applications: a power electronics perspective
  17. Basics of Inverter Technology and Grid Integration
  18. Active and Reactive Power Control of Grid Connected DC/AC Converter
  19. Filtro di Kalman (introducion notes)

Testi di riferimento

1) Gilbert M. Masters, “Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems”, A JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., PUBLICATION

2) Bent Sørensen - Renewable Energy Conversion, Transmission and Storage - Elsevier

Verifica dell'apprendimento

Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento

- Oral exam and a written report about the analysis or sizing of a renewable power system

Esempi di domande e/o esercizi frequenti

The students are required to speak about two topics reported in the course program.